…Disturbing how no one really knows what they want.
I really mean that. It’s so simple, you should have it burned into every hiring brief you ever write.
Cash + Opportunity + Trust
Think about it – it’s so blindingly obvious – you know it already.
Can’t get the NAMs you need for your business though?
Every hiring bottleneck tracks back to you.
If you can’t get the NAMS you want – it’s your fault they are not seeing what they want in your offering.
Everyone overcomplicates recruitment.
It’s super simple – you want people to work for you.
The work is ultimately more important to you than the individual post holder.
People want jobs so they can live their lives. Their lives are ultimately more important than their job.
Everyone wants to work with people that trust them.
It cuts both ways – every – single – time.
All the bullsh%t talk about culture just over-complicates the simple fact that businesses run off trust.
Court hearings are the exception that prove the rule.
Ink on the contract is always downstream from trust.
Cash + Opportunity + Trust
Get that right and the right talent will sign.
Stark, simple and hard.
Is recruiting the NAMS you need bleeding your diary dry?
Don't know why you can’t hire good NAMS?
We should talk. 🗣
I will know within one call what you're missing.
Then it’s up to you. 🧐
And maybe me too… if you need me to find you the people you need.