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Become unputdownable

Are you tired of your applications going nowhere?

Are recruiters and talent managers driving you up the wall with their lack of interest?

Well, believe me when I say that they’re selfish beasts.

If you don’t make their day easier, then expect to be thrown onto the reject pile.

But stand out and make your CV unputdownable and they’ll start to give you the time of day.

Most recruiters will give your CV a good 10 seconds before making their decision. It’s that competitive, these days.

They want to know your story and the value you can bring to the business – so don’t hide it amongst pages and pages of waffle.

Which brings me on to my next point – the CV length myth.

Some people insist that a CV should only be one page – but that isn’t the case. Include everything you think is relevant, but keep it lean. It’s rare to find a CV where every word counts… but rare doesn’t mean impossible. So get to work on cutting out all the fluff. If it’s still three pages – it’s not a big deal.

Use your CV to take the reader on a journey. Are you a sales leader? An independent expert? Find a story arc and hang your hat on it. Give some numbers that you’ve contributed to. This takes a CV from good to great.

If you’ve had a spell of bad luck with landing jobs, embrace it and address the elephant in the room. Form is temporary, but class is permanent. You haven’t lost your skills. Focus on these, the value they offer and where you see yourself going.

Ultimately, you want to give the reader an easy experience. Don’t have an overly elaborate design that’s confusing to follow. Provide a controlled narrative with data-driven evidence.

Follow these tips and you will improve your odds in the relentless market for talent.

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